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Jan 13, 2018
AI Saturdays PDX - AI Saturdays

• What we'll do
We'll be watching and working through Artificial Intelligence/Deep Learning classes as a group! There are excellent free course lectures and materials online, and from January 6th 2018 to April[masked] we'll go through all the contents.

In order to cater to a diverse audience, there will be 3 structured sessions every Saturday – you can attend all, some or none, it’s totally up to you! If you don’t want to attend some of the sessions, throughout the day there will be open hacking on creating open-source code implementations of the top research paper pre-prints that week. Or use that time to catch-up on lectures and readings (sessions 2 and 3 have many hardcore readings by the way!) while discussing with peers.

Session 1: i Part 1 (v2) Lesson 2
Session 2: Stat385 Lecture 3 Readings – Overview of Deep Learning
Session 3a: UCL/Deep Mind Reinforcement Learning Lecture 2 – Intro to Reinforcement Learning

Note that Sessions 1 & 2 will begin with the 2nd lecture of their corresponding courses.

The Agenda
Session 1
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Beginner-Intermediate)
Practical Deep Learning- Part 1 (v2)

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch
Occasional brown bag lunch talk from an expert :)

Session 2
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Intermediate-Advanced)
Deep Learning Theory- Stanford STAT385 course on Theories of Deep Learning

Session 3 (Intermediate-Advanced)
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Reinforcement Learning- UCL/DeepMind Reinforcement Learning

This is the Portland, OR chapter of AI Saturdays
